Monday, July 13, 2020
Write A 2000 Word Justification For Choice Of Research Method In A
Write A 2000 Word Justification For Choice Of Research Method In A Write A 2000 Word Justification For Choice Of Research Method In A Social Science Research Project â" Essay Example > STUDENT FULL NAMEPROFESSORâS NAMEINSTITUTION AFFILLIATEDDUE DATE OF ASSIGNMENTTHE IMPACT OF STRESS IN THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT OF NURSING HOME STAFFRESEARCH METHOD IN A SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH PROJECTThe claim that qualitative research involves an interpretive and naturalistic approach meaning studying things in their natural settings, to interpret, attempting to make sense of work related stress in terms of the its impact on performance. (Denzin and Lincoln 2000) Qualitative studies about circumstances associated with occupational stress provide new insights into the dynamics of working environment and mental wellbeing. (Bryman et al 1996) To understand the impact of stress on the performance of nursing home staffs from their own perspective understand complex behaviours that are difficult to analyse quantitatively. The intention of the interviewer is to listen and understand the voice of participants, observe and record them in their working environments to be able to describe work related stress from the participantsâ points of view through interviews and observations. (Field and Morse 1992)The in-depth interviews shall be conducted at Nursing Homes, conducted in private room with no others present and where the Nursing Home Staff would feel that there is a complete guaranteed of their privacy. The nursing staffs were informed of the purpose of the interview that it was to study the impact of work related stress in the working environment of Nursing Home staff. It was important that the interviewer be honesty, sincere and maintained the truth, concerning the purpose of the interview, the anticipated outcome to the individual participant and nursing home community. To find a good and conducive room may be difficult in a busy Nursing Home, but every effort was made to protect participantsâ privacy to the greatest extent possible by using one of the offices in the Nursing Home. Interviewer is required to move from one nursing home to another, therefor e prior arrangement should be made to find a suitable room for the interview to take place the best way is to invite participants to suggest a room where they would feel comfortable. SamplingThe staff members of ten nursing homes were recruited to take part in the in-depth interview to assess the impact of stress on the working environment at the nursing home. The interview was documented by writing field notes, tape recordings, and later analysing those notes. The evaluation included proportion, absolute number and representativeness of individualâs staff members who were willing to participate in the study. The RE-AIM framework model was used in the determination of sample size where two levels criteria of evaluation were used that were; the Nursing Home concerned to implement, reach, and effectively maintain stress free working environment. (Glasgow et al 1999) The inclusion and exclusion criteria, for the impact of stress on working environment of Nursing Home Staff was a qua litative research that involved the study of the understanding of work related stress at Nursing Homes, inclusion and exclusion criteria should be broadly defined in order to understand the impact of stress at work, under what conditions it is expressed or exists that is working environment. Sample sizes for qualitative study are typically large to fully understand how work related stress influences the performance of individuals and are based on the principle of data saturation or redundancy. In general, sampling plans for qualitative research are based on identifying Nursing Home Staff who would be good informants of the work related stress. (Whittemore et al 2010)
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